Marketing Analytics Technology: 5 Platforms to Try

Marketing analytics solutions help businesses determine the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, helping marketers make smarter decisions about where to spend their budgets and how to best reach their target demographics. What Are Marketing Analytics? Marketing analytics is a vast subject, but here’s a primer to get you started. Marketing analytics is a way to …

How to Conduct a Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is an approach to building and deploying marketing campaigns that use digital channels to deliver marketing messages and drive customer engagement, often online. Digital marketing is a significant part of marketing strategy, and the marketing channels used by organizations are continually evolving. Marketing is an integral part of running a successful business, but …

How Companies Use Social Media to Compete With Rivals

Every day, businesses compete with each other for customers. To stay ahead, they must use social media to reach potential customers online. Social media allows small businesses or larger corporations to connect with customers in a way that was not possible before the internet. It also allows businesses to compete with rivals by offering better …

How to Use Media Outlets like HARO to Generate Backlinks

Today’s blog post will discuss how to use media outlets like HARO to generate backlinks. These backlinks, which are also known as “earned” or “natural” backlinks, can increase the credibility of your website and provide a boost to your ranking on search engines like Google. What is HARO? HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a …

What To Keep in Mind When Working with A Marketing Agency

The digital age has changed a lot about marketing. With the touch of a button, a simple message can be sent to the entire world. As a marketing agency (along with companies like who can help you get a better analysis of your campaign and give better solutions to improve), they can help you …